MBA HR MBA HR Means master of bussiness administration in human resource managment ,it is two years base managment programm,it is divided in semester wise programe.there many government and private institute the conduct this program like IGNOU,SIKKIM MANIPAL UNIVERSITY,VARIOUS STATE LABLE UNIVERSITY IN INDIA.for admision in mba you should must have bechler degree im any streme then you will face entrance exam like cat,xat,mat by many university and organisation in india and take admision HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGMENT Human Resource managment is the planing,organising,directing,controling for recrutment,devlopment,componsetion,integration,maintanance and seperation of human resources to the end that individual,organisational,and social objective are accomplished. Human that is resource for any organisation work as aresource. According to Invancevich and Glueck- human resouce managment is the most effictive use of people to achive orgarisational and individual goals. FEATURES OF H